(last update: December 15th 2012)
Abnash Singh - India ( added by Royal Port Natal Philatelics )
Ahmed Abbas Maswood - India & Nigeria (by Sergio Trematore)
Alberto Lara Duran - Mexico (by Sergio Trematore)
Alexandre Belyakov - Russia (by Sergio Trematore)
Andres Acuna Munoz - Chile (by Sergio Trematore)
Arun Raja- India(added by Salih Mesić)
Banknotes Pakistan - Pakistan (by Sergio Trematore)
Beatrice Legarde-Malval - France (by Sergio Trematore)
Belm Hechachna - Algeria (by Sergio Trematore)
Brenda Forlover - Indonesia (added by Tolga Caglayankaya/NL)****
Carlos Antonio Chamul - El Salvador (by Sergio Trematore)
Carlos Pinta - Moldova (by Sergio Trematore)
Carlos de Silva - Moldova (by Sergio Trematore)
Coleccion Mundial - England (by Sergio Trematore)
Collectors Bar - Denmark (by Sergio Trematore)
Damar memeong Numismatik - Indonesia (by Sergio Trematore)
David Martín Pérez - Spain (added by Claudio Rotunno)
Donald Times-Malaysia ( added by Fco. Javier Salvá Monfort)
Ecuador Monedas Biblites - Ecuador (by Sergio Trematore) +
Elton Swapbanlnotes - Albania (by Sergio Trematore)
Emmanuel Bonsie - Ghana (by Sergio Trematore)
Endri Abazi - Albania (by Sergio Trematore)
Fabian Fredie - Indonesia (added by Tolga Caglayankaya/NL)****
Fernando Marchal Diaz - Spain (by Sergio Trematore)
Francesco Storto - italy (added by Rene)
Francisco Rodriguez Villareal - Peru (by Sergio Trematore)
Franklin Aquilera Pazmino - Ecuador (by Sergio Trematore) +
Gouari el Mahdi - Morocco (added by Jean-Pierre Cordier)
Hamadi Mersini - Tunisia (by Sergio Trematore)
Harold Pramsoekh - Suriname (by Sergio Trematore)
Helen Aleyna - Indonesia (added by Tolga Caglayankaya/NL)****
HK Collectors - Pakistan (by Sergio Trematore)
HK Niazi - Pakistan (by Sergio Trematore)
Houcine Oujhandi - Argentina (by Sergio Trematore)
Imed Chef Fadhloun - Tunisia (by Sergio Trematore)
Inrai Banknotes Hobby - India (by Sergio Trematore)
ismael Abad - Mexico (by Sergio Trematore)
Jeerawat Seusatkul - Thailand (added by Claudio Rotunno)
Jopi Loves stamps - Indonesia (added by Tolga Caglayankaya/NL)****
Joseph George Zahar - Egypt (added by Timothy Joko-Veltman)
Lorna Nowak - USA (added by Claudio)
Luca Deggiovanni - italy (added by Claudio)
Luigi Grassi - Italy (by Sergio Trematore)
Luis Arias Alvarez - Chile (by Sergio Trematore)
Luna Maya - Indonesia (added by Tolga Caglayankaya/NL)****
Malhotra stamps - India (by Sergio Trematore)
Mae Redempta De Jesus - Indonesia (added by Tolga Caglayankaya/NL)****
Maja Zgb - Croatia (added by Martin Horny)
Mani Singh - India (by Sergio Trematore)
Manik Malhotra - India (by Sergio Trematore)
Maria del Carmen Martinez Guerrero - Mexico (added by Laurens Alvarado Hidalgo)
Marc Antoine Morvan - France (by Sergio Trematore)
Margaux Laurentia - Indonesia (added by Tolga Caglayankaya/NL)****
Mark Collen - India (by Coin Collecter Seller) ***
Mark Home - India (added by Claudio) *
Megan Ellis (added by Joan stamps)
Mido Gouari - Morocco (by Sergio Trematore)
Misko stamps - Macedonia-FYROM (added by Zvone Ivančić)
Mohamed Cherif Kadi - Algeria (by Sergio Trematore)
Mohamed Cherif Batna Cabatna - Algeria (by Sergio Trematore)
Motocea Sandor - Romania (by Sergio Trematore)
Mustapha Derradji - Algeria (by Sergio Trematore)
Namrata Agrawal - India (by Sergio Trematore)
Nassim Takouachet - Algeria (by Sergio Trematore)
Nihat Acer - Turkey ()by Sergio Trematore)
Niraj banknotes Hobby - India (by Sergio Trematore) ***
Only Banknotes (added by King Vignesh)
Pasfer Apor - Philippines (by Sergio Trematore)
Patcy Grace (added by Joan stamps)
Pratham stamps - India (by Sergio Trematore)
Priya - Suriname (added by Laurens Alvarado Hidalgo)
Ramita Adikari - Sri Lanka (by Sergio Trematore)
Rene Alfredo Ojeda Chahin - Chile (by Sergio Trematore)
Robert Alfernanado (added by King Vingesh)
Sadee Gayathri - Australia (by Sergio Trematore)
Santon Nah - Belize (by Sergio Trematore)
Saifeddine Bouchama - Algeria (by Sergio Trematore)
Sanjay Goenka- India (added by Claudio) *
Sasa Benko Epenii - Croatia (by Sergio Trematore)
Semsettin Sahim - Turkey (by Sergio Trematore)
Shailam Khajanachi (added by Stamp Pakistan)
Shelton Dharnarathna - Sri Lanka (by Sergio Trematore)
Shilma Banknotes - India (added by Coin Collecter Seller) *
Sibocahtua Nakal - Indonesia (added by Tolga Caglayankaya/NL)****
Snezana Makas – Slovenia (added by Piotr Bonislawski)
Stamps Banknote- India (added by Claudio) *
Sumam Som - India (added by Laurens Alvarado Hidalgo)
Syed Furrukh Shahzad - Turkey (by Sergio Trematore)
Tera Patrick - Indonesia (added by Tolga Caglayankaya/NL)****
Thomas Banknotes (added by King Vignesh)
Thomas Fernandes - India (added by Stamp Pakistan)
Tolga Coglayankaya (UK & Indonesia) **
Tolga Chucklankay- Indonesia (added by Tolga Caglayankaya/NL)****
Valentine Daniel Cabrera - Argentina (by Sergio Trematore)
Vedat Kantin - Turkey (by Sergio Trematore)
Vilijus Zagrakalys – Latvia (added by Claudio Rotunno)
Vivek Anand - India (added by Panos Tritakis)
Willson Phialtely Numismatic (added by King Vignesh)
Yassine Abou el fath - Morocco (by Sergio Trematore)
* = Sanjay (also known as Mark Home or Stamps Banknotes or Shilma Banknotes ) puts people on his cheater-list without reason - after asking him to remove the names from the list he answers "How about You sending my a few mini-sheets with odd stamps from YOur country. I promise to You to remove Your name from the list and no body will get to know about this." - For more informations ask: "Steve van Frank"
** = An indonesian guy is cheating people using the name of Tolga (Tolga lives in the Netehrlands and not in the UK):Tolga - Netherlands: real Tolga
Tolga - UK: cheating guy
*** = Mark Collen & Niraj Banknotes Hobby are the same person
**** = all the same indonesian person
+ = the same person